Our Services

Arranging Financing

1. Financial Simulation

Conduct an in-depth financial simulation to project the funding requirements and potential outcomes over the project’s lifecycle.

2. Finance Strategy Development

Develop a comprehensive financial strategy tailored to the project’s needs and objectives.

3. Information Note for Banks and Funding Organizations

Prepare a detailed information note that presents the project’s viability and requirements to banks and potential funding organizations.

4. Engage CMA-Licensed Professionals

Oversee and engage Certified Management Accountants (CMA)-licensed and approved individuals who specialize in fund development and administration.

5. Negotiate Terms and Conditions with Banks

Act as intermediaries to negotiate favorable terms and conditions with banking institutions on behalf of the project.

6. Coordinate with Stakeholders

Serve as liaisons between project owners and all relevant stakeholders to ensure seamless communication and

7. Supervise Financial Closing

Take charge of overseeing all aspects of the financial closing process, ensuring that funds are secured according to the agreed-upon terms and conditions.

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